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Avocado farming & export

Avocado farming & export business

Avocado farming & export is a growing industry, as the demand for avocados continues to increase globally. Avocados are versatile and nutritious fruit that can be used in a variety of dishes and are known for their high levels of healthy fats and antioxidants. Farming avocados require a warm, subtropical climate with well-draining soil. They are typically grown on large, commercial farms, with the majority of avocado production taking place in East Africa, Mexico, Chile, Peru, and California. The farming process involves planting the avocado tree, caring for the tree as it grows, and then harvesting the fruit. The trees can take up to five years to reach maturity and begin producing fruit. Once the avocados are harvested, they are packed and transported to export markets. Avocados are a perishable product and must be handled carefully to ensure they reach their destination in good condition. They are typically shipped in refrigerated containers to ensure they maintain their freshness.
The export market for avocados is growing, with the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East being the main import markets. The rise in popularity of avocados in these regions has led to an increase in demand, making avocado farming and export a profitable industry.
Hass-Avocado Market In Kenya, avocado is one of the most consumed fruits that is readily available in the market all year round. Going by the latest HCDA statistics, avocado has a fair share among the leading export crops and Kenya stands out as a major player in the avocado export market. Locally avocado is sold at the market place from between Kshs10 to KSh 50 depending on the size and quality. Avocado trees are very productive and can fruit all year round. At maximum production, a single mature tree can produce 70 to 100 kg of fruits per year. Kenya has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of countries interested in Kenya avocados, these counties are, Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Iran, Libya, and Egypt among others Hass Avocado is the new goldmine for modern farmers. Ever thought why county governments are insisting on Hass-Avocado farming? Most of you must by now know that many county governments are encouraging farmers to plant avocados. This is so because hass-avocado does not require much labor and time to maintain. In addition, the demand for avocados is extremely high and we just can’t satisfy the current local demand and in  European countries. Before the market was regulated, farmers used to sell fruit for as low as Sh1. Now they sell one for Sh8. Hass-avocado exporters sell the fruit for as high as KSh 30. Just last year farmers in Murang’a county earned Sh500 million from hass-avocados according to Governor Mwangi Wa-Iria. Hass avocado investment is bigger than coffee. One properly watered tree of hass avocado can give you 1,000 fruits a year, which comes to Sh8,000. Avocados’ nutritional health benefit is also a factor that is boosting their demand. People around the world have knowledge of its health benefits and the wide variety of its uses. Guacamole food, with avocado as its main ingredient, is very popular, especially in America, and greatly increases avocado consumption and importation Overall, avocado farming and export is a growing industry that offers a lot of potential for farmers and exporters. As the demand for avocados continues to increase globally, it is expected that the industry will continue to grow in the future. Let us export avocados to your location, we are well known and trusted to deliver only high-quality avocados.

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