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Fruits & Vegetables
Quality Produce

We ensure that we export vegetables and fruits of high quality and quantity to our customers.

export apple mango

Apple Mango

This variety originated in Kenya. It is a chance seedling and its parentage is unknown. The fruits are medium to large, nearly round in shape and have a rich yellow/orange to red colour when ripe. The Average length measures 9.7 cm by 11 cm in width, and the weight is 280-580 g (mean: 397 g). Normally, the skin is smooth and thin, and the juicy yellow flesh is of excellent flavour and of melting texture virtually free from fibre. This is not a polyembryonic cultivar and trees propagated by seed are very heterogeneous in fruit shape, colour and quality. The trees are large/vigorous and of pyriform growth habit. Depending on location, harvesting seasons are from December to the beginning of March.
export ngowe mango

Ngowe Mango

This typical coastal cultivar, also known as Lamu mango, can now be found all along the coastline and has also adapted well to medium-altitude locations. Ngowe is the most easily recognized of the local mango fruits. It is large, oblong and slender with a very prominent hook-like beak at the apex. From pale green, the fruit develops to a most attractive yellow to orange colour when ripe. The deep yellow flesh is of excellent quality, virtually free from fibre, melting, and carries no turpentine taste. The average fruit length measures 14 cm with a width of 9.5 cm, and a weight range of 425—600 g (mean: 523 g). The seeds are polyembryonic which means progeny develops more or less true-to- type. The trees are comparatively small and round. Depending on location, harvesting may start in November and continue until March.
export kent mango

Kent Mango

Kent is often mistaken for the quite similar-looking cultivar Keitt but (just one difference) Kent matures earlier (March). The large fruit is greenish-yellow with a red or crimson blush on the shoulder.  The average length measures 12.4 cm with a width of 9.7 cm and an average weight of 545 g. The fruit shape is regular ovate with a rounded base and often with two slight beaks. The skin is thick and tough and small yellow lenticels are numerous; the flesh is juicy, melting, deep yellow, fibreless and of a rich flavour.  The seed, embedded in a thick, woody stone (8.5% of fruit weight) is mono-embryonic. The tree is large and vigorous, with a dense upright canopy
export custard apple

Custard apple

The custard apple is a subtropical deciduous woody shrub that has branches that spread irregularly and can reach 8 metres high under favourable conditions. The fruit is lumpy skin with a soft sweet pulp that is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins A and C. The fruit can be consumed when ripe or used in ice creams or desserts. Compared to soursop, custard apple is more common in Kenya and is locally called matomoko. Custard apple has still not gained much popularity but there is a possibility to expand its use and importance. Custard apple is spotted in most major markets in Nairobi.  The tree’s fruits vary in shape; they may be heart-shaped, spherical, oblong or irregular. Their size ranges from 7 to 12 cm (2.8 to 4.7 in), depending on the cultivar. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation, depending again on the variety. The flesh varies from juicy and very aromatic to hard with an astringent taste.


Avocado is a bright green fruit with a large pit and dark leathery skin. They’re also known as alligator pears or butter fruit. Avocados are a favorite of the produce section. They’re the go-to ingredient for guacamole dips. And they’re turning up in everything from salads and wraps to smoothies and even brownies. So what, exactly, makes this pear-shaped berry (yes, that’s right!) such a superfood?

Avocado Nutrition

Avocados have a lot of calories. The recommended serving size is smaller than you’d expect: 1/3 of a medium avocado (50 grams or 1.7 ounces). One ounce has 50 calories.  Avocados are high in fat. But it’s monounsaturated fat, which is a  good fat that helps lower bad cholesterol, as long as you eat them in moderation. Avocados offer nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Avocados are low in sugar. And they contain fibre, which helps you feel full longer. In one study, people who added a fresh avocado half to their lunch
were less interested in eating during the next 3 hours than those who didn’t have the fruit.
Hass Avocados are generally bigger in cool areas that are in altitudes between 1000m to 2000m, as compared to warm areas. The optimum temperature is 20 to 24 degrees Celsius. Hot, dry weather may cause the Hass Avocado fruit to drop prematurely. Although avocados are fairly resistant to drought, well-distributed rainfall of 1000mm – 1200mm is needed for proper crop development. Avocados also hate wind. This is because the trees have very brittle branches that snap off easily.

export Purple Passion fruit

Purple Passion fruit

Passion fruit, a climbing vine, may be a versatile crop whose demand is growing in export as well as domestic markets. The fruit is often eaten fresh or consumed after extracting the pulp and creating juice. The juice is used in very many forms of products and also the pulp could also be added to completely different dishes. A large range of cosmetic merchandise and food flavours are derived from a fruit that’s made of Vitamins A and C and carotene. Purple varieties do higher at higher altitudes than the yellow varieties. Yellow varieties, on the other hand, tend to yield higher and are more resistant to diseases.

export Yellow Passion fruit

Yellow Passion fruit

Passion fruit, a climbing vine, may be a versatile crop whose demand is growing in export as well as domestic markets. The fruit is often eaten fresh or consumed after extracting the pulp and creating juice. The juice is used in very many forms of products and also the pulp could also be added to completely different dishes. A large range of cosmetic merchandise and food flavours are derived from a fruit that’s made of Vitamins A and C and carotene. The yellow selection with similar taste but is less aromatic, and a lot more acidic.

export papayas


Papayas grow in tropical climates and are also known as papaws or pawpaws. Their sweet taste, vibrant colour, and a wide variety of health benefits they provide make them a popular fruit. The papaya, a previously exotic and rare fruit, is now available at most times of the year. Papayas are a soft, fleshy fruit that can be used in a wide variety of culinary ways. Here we will explore more on the health benefits, uses, how to incorporate more of them into your diet, and what nutritional value papayas have.

export karela

Karela(Bitter Melon)

Bitter melon (also known as Momordica charantia or bitter gourd) is a plant that gets its name from its taste. It becomes more and more bitter as it ripens.
export dudhi

Dudhi (Bottle Gourd)

Lauki, or Dudhi, is one of the most used vegetables in Indian cuisine. It is a summer squash with a soft, fleshy texture. It has a mild taste that readily takes on the flavour of surrounding spices.
export okra

Okra (Lady Fingers)

is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It has edible green seed pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of West African, Ethiopian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian origins. Cultivated in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions around the world, okra is used in the cuisines of many countries
export aubergine


The custard apple is a subtropical deciduous woody shrub that has branches that spread irregularly and can reach 8 metres high under favourable conditions. The fruit is lumpy skin with a soft sweet pulp that is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins A and C. The fruit can be consumed when ripe or used in ice creams or desserts. Compared to soursop, custard apple is more common in Kenya and is locally called matomoko. Custard apple has still not gained much popularity but there is a possibility to expand its use and importance. Custard apple is spotted in most major markets in Nairobi.  The tree’s fruits vary in shape; they may be heart-shaped, spherical, oblong or irregular. Their size ranges from 7 to 12 cm (2.8 to 4.7 in), depending on the cultivar. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation, depending again on the variety. The flesh varies from juicy and very aromatic to hard with an astringent taste.
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