• info@finevegtrading.com
  • +254 721 245 626

Fineveg Trading

Extensive Farmlands For Export Produce
Our Farmlands

Our extensive farms in different climatic conditions

Why Choose Fineveg?

Exporting to more than 20 Countries globally

Our network of local producers, combined with our local supplier base gives us access to the very best produce available in East Africa. Whether you’re looking for fruit or vegetables, you can be confident that all our suppliers have been carefully selected using our many years of experience, to ensure you and your customers receive unrivalled levels of quality and consistency.
As specialist providers of the finest fruit and vegetables, we give you the ability to reflect the seasons in your menus, bringing the very best seasonal produce to your customers when it’s at its peak.

We believe that our underlying values make us successful and give a reason to our customers to choose us as their suppliers.

These are,
1. Uncompromised quality.
2. We only export quality.
3. Safe hygienic and fresh products.

Sustainability and Integrity.

We make sure we always maintain a high level of integrity unethical behavior.


Service is a cornerstone of our company and we always strive to improve it.


Because we present and deal with a significant range of suppliers and customers ,we recognize that each supplier and customer relationship is unique and is a privilege to uphold.

What We Offers

Some of our products

Saticfied Clients
10 +
Modern Equipment
10 +
Expert Members
10 +
Tons of Harvest
10 +


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